Living It Up Each Day

So much is going on at Qwanoes every day right now! It is hard to capture with words just how amazing it is to be part of what happens each week in the summer at Qwanoes. In the words of Cintia Rojo, a staff member from Brazil, “This week at Qwanoes… truly an AWESOME time.”

Even the Squirrel got out for the big staff beach party! He loved the new paddle surfing activity!

Staff Development Day

Between the end of Juniors #1 and the start of Jr. High #3, we had a special day set aside called our Staff Development Day. This day included a sleep-in, some more staff training, a huge beach party and supper at Qwanoes Beach, Q-Town, and an extra-special mug-up. This was a great day to re-group and re-charge for all that is still ahead this summer!

The big show at Qwanoes Starwood night!

Jr. High #3 Happening Right Now!

Right now just as the opening ceremonies for the Summer Olympics is about to take place in London, a huge relay called the “Qwantathalon”  is taking place at Qwanoes! Games and events, led by Stevie G and the All-Star events team, are always a big part of a week at Qwanoes. Jr. High #3 has featured events like “To The Extreme,” our night game “Cobra Conquest,” “Planet Starwood,” and much more. Last night, we had the “Surf-O-Rama” concert along with the very popular Kick-Flip Café. And there’s still more to come!  See photos of the week so far.

Now hands are even cleaner at Qwanoes! 24 new outdoor sinks!

New Hand-Washing Station 

All of this week, we’ve been enjoying our brand-new hand washing station with 24 sinks! This station is right by the Sky Ridge Lodge where we eat our meals. Last week during Juniors #1, this giant hand washing station was built and put into action by the last day of the camp. Now washing hands before meals is easier than ever!

Living It Up At Q-Town Tonight

Q-Town is definitely one of the big highlights of a day at Qwanoes. Campers and staff love singing along with our music team Quixotic and all summer long Q-Town has been filled with tons of energy. Catch a small taste of the action during Juniors #1 and hear part of the new Q-Town song, “Q-Town Tonight”!

See Living It Up At Q-Town Tonight


~ Written by Julie Bayley, Qwanoes’ Associate Program Director